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Old 10-12-2016, 06:18 AM
ShortsideK ShortsideK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 389

Originally Posted by Flieguy View Post
My team got 3rd place

while it is open to anyone, for the most part the anglers are all very skilled and I was happy with my 27th place finish out of 45.

most of the stuff I learned is top secret competition circle stuff mostly some loche style fishing tips that aren't really that pertinent to day to day angling anyway. There were some very difficult venues though, and sometimes some out of the box thinking was required to put fish on the scorecard. The inclement weather really drove home the point that a fly or technique which works one day may not work at all the very next, and a lot of people suffered as a result of that
Well done. Sounds like a fun experience.
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