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Old 10-28-2016, 05:04 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North of Peace River
Posts: 11,343

When I was a kid there were no quads and not many roads either.

Over the years I've seen hundreds of square miles of bush land turned into industrial developments, residential properties and farm land.

Today we have less habitat, more hunters and far easier access.

It's not surprising that some animal populations are down. What I do find surprising is the increase I've seen in some populations, in some areas.

When I was in high school and living in Wetaskiwin the nearest Moose populations were an hour or more to the west.
Now there's a healthy populations within half an hour of that city, and they are spreading into the surrounding areas.

Up here Deer were sparse, now they are everywhere perhaps even overpopulated.
We had ducks galore and sighting a goose was a rare treat back then, now he Geese are so plentiful that folks from the south come all the way up here to hunt them, and Ducks are too few to be worth the time to hunt.

Things change. They always have and always will.
It only makes sense to conserve what we have, but we are not God, some things are beyond our control or at least beyond our desire to control, like the population of this country.

Simple fact, we, humans are the biggest threat to any and all wildlife whether that be plant animal or insect. A big part of that is our rapidly expanding population.

Even if you and I restricted ourselves to zero population growth, the politicians would bring in immigrants to replace what we would have contributed, and they place their own interested to get elected over the need to preserve any part of this country. Most immigrants vote for the government in power when they arrived, more immigrants, more votes. It's a tried and true formula.

Until we the people stop electing self serving lairs and until we the people stop consuming more then we need, nothing will change.

If we keep it up Moose will go extinct, but that will be the least of our problems.
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw
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