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Old 12-01-2016, 02:59 PM
Wazzy Wazzy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Posts: 87

Private Access?? Since when is Peppers Lake "Private Access?" Peppers is far from a secret. It gets pounded every year both winter and summer. There's a Provincial Campground on the lake! There are much better Brookie lakes around in my opinion. If you want to go catch underfed, skinny 10 inch fish all day long, have at er. Furthermore, the Alberta Gov't posts the stocking reports online each year that outlines which lakes have been stocked, species, size, etc. This info is readily available to anyone with a computer that can read. Better lakes like Peppers full of triploid test tube trout get decimated than our wild/native fish stocks. If it's quality fish that ones after, the lakes that require a little bit of effort getting to (i.e. You can't drive right to the boat ramp) still produce quality fish. Those are the ones nobody talks about. Too many anglers, too little water, **** poor fisheries management. Whatcha gonna do?
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