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Old 12-04-2016, 05:15 PM
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RavYak RavYak is offline
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Originally Posted by FlyTheory View Post
That's the one! Feel free to message me with any questions or troubleshooting it's a useful tool to have, and on early ice it's magic. I'd reccomend you purchase one!
That is interesting. I take it you have to have it pressed against the ice or just under water? Also do you find the accuracy depends on how you hold it(if at an angle etc)?

Almost any flasher/fish finder can shoot through ice and give you a reading but I have found it to be unreliable especially once the ice gets thicker or if there is any layer of bad ice. We used to try and shoot through the ice but realized we were wasting more time trying to do so then just drilling a hole and checking. I guess if you only have a hand auger it would be worth doing though.
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