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Old 02-19-2017, 08:41 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North of Peace River
Posts: 11,343

Well this is embarrassing. All you new folks introducing yourselves and us long time members saying nothing.

It ain't right I tell ya.

So let me introduce myself to you new folks. The long time members think they know all there is to know about me anyway.

For starters, my name is Jim and I am 62 years young, almost 63.
My ancestors were mostly from Scotland and England, but I have relatives who can trace their heritage to just about every race and continent in the world.

I was born and raised on a homestead at Carcajou Alberta. That's half way between Manning and High Level. There were 16 of us, not counting mom or dad.

I've lived almost all of my life in Alberta, most of it in the Peace River district.
I lived in Wetaskiwin while attending high school and lived in Vancouver for almost a year shortly after I got married the first time. That one left me and a few years ago I remarried and am living happily ever after now.

My dad was a trapper/homesteader. More trapper then anything. Dad wasn't ever good at farming.
He grew up in Margret's Cove Nova Scotia. His dad was a deep sea fisherman.
My mom was a Ranch hand from southern Alberta.

I learned to hunt and trap almost as soon as I could walk. We were so far off the beaten path that my first trip to town was when I was about ten years old.

I got my first rifle when I was 12 and shot my first Moose that same year, with that rifle. I was even a big game guide for a few years.

When my dad died I inherited his registered trap line, which I had been trapping for several years as his junior. I let that line go to a family member a couple of years ago because I am no longer physically capable of wilderness trapping.

For most of my life I worked on heavy equipment, some times as operator or Truck driver, and for a bit as a heavy duty mechanic.
Mostly I drove truck for those companies as my primary responsibility.

I've driven about every make and model of diesel truck and hauled most types of loads that commonly get hauled down our highways.

In short I've worn a lot of hats over the years but mostly I was a truck driver.
I've hauled general freight coast to coast, I've hauled logs and houses and hogs. I've hauled camps and cats and gravel. There isn't much I haven't hauled.

I'm a certified forestry regen surveyor, I was a class one driver, and now I'm a self employed Entrepreneur/inventor and I sell trail camera mounts I invented and build myself.

My passions are hunting Moose, photography, fishing and family, not necessarily in that order.

I hunt and fish first to feed my family and second for pleasure. I don't hunt for trophies but I have no issues with those that do.

I also like to hunt about anything that is legal, And I love salt water fishing.

I'm a bird watcher, nature nut and I believe in conservation and abiding by the law. I also like building bird houses and bird feeders.
In fact I like building, anything, with anything.

I can weld and own my own Mig weldor. I can build a house or a chair. I like to invent, I like to teach. I like people, normal people.

I don't like perfect people.

And I was a moderator on this site, probably one of the worst moderators ever. But hey, at least I tried. It's a tough job that not many could do.
I was one that couldn't. Besides, I have a company to build.

So that's a small glimpse into what I'm about and where I'm from.

In closing I'd like to say welcome to all. I for one am glad you are here.

Watch your step though, there are trouble makers about. There always is anywhere on the net.
But if you can avoid being sucked into their trouble making games, you can learn a lot here and make some good friends.

I say with all sincerity, I feel honored to be a part of this online community.
And I can honestly say I've met several Alberta Outdoorsman members and every one I've met was top self people. The best of the best.

I've also made a few enemies, but no one is perfect and I'm no exception.

Welcome to AO forums.
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw
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