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Old 03-08-2017, 09:55 PM
nube nube is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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I don't have a problem with an Outfitter being put on time out for abuse. I do have a problem with what Diomond said in an Outfitter loosing his allocations and basically stripping him of his business and possible livelihood.
I'm not a lawyer but I bet there are reasons for why things are and have been the way they have.
If a client gets caught shooting a deer tresspassing he gets charged. What would be the charge to the Outfitter? He may have a guide working for him that is a poaching SOB and gets caught. Kinda hard to nail an outfitter for what his worker does.
Anyways boys I have said enough for now. Hopefully things change for the better. I understand frustrations. I think it will be a hard battle to fight to make any sort of change.
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