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Old 03-22-2017, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by West O'5 View Post
BD,I'm gonna type this reaaaalllly slowly so you understand....
19(1)an individual licenced to posess restricted firearm MAY BE AUTHORIZED TO TRANSPORT said firearm between two places for any good and sufficient reason INCLUDING
a)target practice

Sections 19(1) and 19(1)(a) define where you may be authorised to transport your restricted firearm to from your home/registered address....period FULL STOP!!

19 says absolutely nothing zero nada in regards to where you may or may not discharge a restricted firearm.
If you are shooting your restricted firearm out your farmhouse kitchen window or from your deck,where pray tell have you TRANSPORTED that firearm??

Please for the love of God and for the last time get it thru your thick skull...Section 19 is completely irrelevant and inapplicable to this discussion.
I don't know about you but when I use firearm in target practice, or a target shooting competition, I discharge charge it.

I will try to dumb this down

ATT's are authorized for transport for a purpose

Transport and Purpose

1.To your residence For Storage
2. To your range For Target Practice/shooting
3. To a course Use as a teaching aid
4. To a new residence For storage
5. To a police station To surrender for destruction
6. To a business/gunsmith for repair, storage, sale, appraisal etc
7. To a gun show for display or sale
8. To and from point of sale for sale or storage.

Every authorized activity under your ATT has a transport component with a purpose component. The only purpose component that allows discharge is Section 19(1)(a) which states this only can occur at an approved range.

Is that simple or slow enough for you?