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Old 04-12-2017, 09:31 AM
Diesel_wiesel Diesel_wiesel is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 808

Originally Posted by patriot1 View Post
OMG that all sounds like such a pain in the ass. I'm willing to put in work but not by myself and completely clueless about where to even begin

I as well was interested in spring geese but nobody seems welcoming towards noobs. What a frigged up community I perceive this to be.
well as far people not being welcoming to noobs
its understandable really
a complete stranger asking to go out and join some guys with fire arms and
with out first proving yer up standing kinda guy
first off they don't know you from any other stranger on the street
why not put on something like a BBQ clay shoot one afternoon
so older more experienced guys will come out join you get to know you , and see what kinda guy you are,
see how you handle and act around fire arms, and get a feel of yer ethics , and morals, to many guys on here have bad experiences with noobs
to make them in welcoming
show them you are serious and show them what you have to bring to the table , 4 or five guys pool their resources together ( their gear, their knowledge or lack there of ) and soon you will have a good upstanding hunting group you can count on and trust and make it quite enjoyable
who knows you might be one of those drunken types that just wants an afternoon away from yer wife to get sloshed , or high away from the wife ,
If you consider an unsuccessful hunt to be a waste of time,
then the true meaning of the chase Eludes you all together
you only get a second
shoot where their
going not where they been,
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