Thread: Tatoo
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Old 04-14-2017, 10:58 AM
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Viking Caliber Viking Caliber is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
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Default tattoos

(19 years ago) At the age of 19, I got a tattoo in the army. Parents didn't like it.
Dad would have tried to talked me out of it.
so I didn't ask. Be glad your son did.
As a result of him pushing his beliefs onto me and being extremely controlling and being non supportive my relationship with him is non exsistant. haven't spoke to my parents nearing 10 years.

Support him in anything he is interested in, tell him how you feel about it and leave it alone. He is 20 years old, let him decide what he would like to do about a tattoo. Support him either way. Let him learn from his mistakes to better himself. Stand back and see if he makes the right choices, you will see that you taught him well and he has learned from you.

professional should be based on work ethics, the right attire for the job, and appearance and should have little to do with a tattoo

just my two cents
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