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Old 04-16-2017, 04:49 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
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Originally Posted by wolfcrazy View Post
Wow, you just keep yodelling and yodelling about the same thing.

What is the cost of a course in BC or SK? How often are the other provinces holding courses and are they offered throughout the province?

I thought I explained the costs associated with the courses in Alberta. Maybe you can lobby the GoA to fully fund the courses. If a person truly wants to trap they will find away to pay for a course, a vehicle too do it, equipment to do the job start to finish. Will you raise funds to provide assistance to those that would like to take the course? Collect bottles, do a fund raising event or modonate some of your years fur? Do anything besides sitting there saying how life is unfair? You can't please everyone.

As much as you'd like GK to be pulling the strings he's not. But what he has done is gotten off his ***** and keyboard to work towards what he feels is right.

Thanks for your passion about trapping!
I figure that you are a Trapping course instructor. It's been my experience that the people most adamant about not lowering the cost of the course are the ones directly profiting from it. I brought this issue up on the ATA Facebook site two years ago and I was immediately attacked by GK and several instructors. Why was that, I wonder.

Maybe this is why. This week I called the ATA to get a price to tan a beaver pelt and after getting the info the person on the other end of the phone asked me if there was anything else that they could help me with (I'm very impressed with this individual's professionalism btw). Then I remembered the ad that I saw in the ATA trapping magazine looking for people to become instructors, so I asked about it. I was told that instructors get paid $1300 per Basic Trapping course.....WHAT?!!!! Please someone tell me that I heard wrong!

I already posted the info about every province and territory's trapping courses. Obviously you haven't bothered to take the time to read it. So what are you basing your opinion on when you state that Alberta has one of the best courses available......the rhetoric that you've been told over and over? For goodness sakes, do your homework and stop letting people do the thinking for you!

BC – Mandatory - 3 Day Course - $390 for adults (18 years and older), and $290 for youths (12-17 years) – Includes Manual and one year membership in BCTA.

SK – Not Mandatory – 1 Day - $30 (Pilot 2 Day Course - $195)

"If a person truly wants to trap they will find away to pay for a course,...." I honestly believe that statement makes sense to you. How does a person who doesn't know anything about trapping know that he wants it bad enough to pay $400 plus expenses to take the course? Guys like you who can afford to take the course several times just don't seem to understand that the high cost of the course is a hurdle for some people.

No, I would not collect cans to pay to send someone who can't afford to pay for the course.......I would pay for it right out of my pocket!

True story.......Last year I was trapping beaver and rats in a slough beside a road around here when one of the locals stopped for a chat and see what I was doing. He was very excited about trapping and was interested in getting his boy involved in it. Easy to do, I said. All that he has to do is take the 3 day Basic Trapping course at the ATA building in Westlock about a 15 minute drive up the road. He was pretty excited about it until I told him that it costs $399. I could see the enthusiasm drain from his face so I asked him, "What if I could get him on the course for free?" (I would have paid for it myself without him knowing about it). He was too proud to accept charity I guess so that was the end of that.....a potential new, young trapper lost.

Yes, I am very passionate about trapping. Another thing that I am very passionate about is fighting for people who can't fight for themselves. It is in my DNA and I made a career out of it. I come from a world where integrity, honour and all of that good stuff are not merely just words.
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