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Old 04-19-2017, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Scott N View Post
I'm not sure if battling immaturity with more immaturity is the best way to go. Reading all of the hockey topics is kind of funny, because unless I'm in the dark, no one on this board plays in the NHL, coaches in the NHL, or had any part of picking any player for either the Oilers or the Flames. All the comments, mine and yours included, come from opinionated fans. No one's comments actually hold any value, and I only quote you because it's a good example of "My team lost today, so I hope your team loses tomorrow.", so don't take my comment as anything personal.
There would not be any real fans or a BOA if it wasn't for uneducated opinions and blind dedication.

I extended a temporary hand in friendship to my southern Flames brethren, only to have them turn their backs and laugh at us. If we can't have the BOA on the ice this year, we might as well have it here!
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