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Old 06-09-2017, 11:31 PM
markg markg is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 2,417
Default Why?

Why does the fact that someone believes in God (Christian) so aggitate others?
It seems like there are people out there that say "I dont believe in God and I hate him and those that believe in him". What have I personally ever done to any of you on this forum to deserve some of the vitriolic comments directed my way for my beliefs? I have a perfect trader rating and you can ask those I have dealt with if I am a nice guy and a credit to the forum and the answer is probably going to be a resounding yes. If we got together for a beer you might find you enjoyed your time hanging out.

Ask yourself why you become upset about someone merely asking the question if you believe in evolution or creation? Its an interesting question. One philosophers have been asking in various ways for hundreds if not thousands of years. How did I get here? What is the meaning of life? Is there a God? If so what does that mean, if not what does that mean? There are some very intelligent people on both sides of this issue with more letters behind there names than you can shake a stick at. Premier on this list is Dr David Berlinsky an agnostic Jew who I find very interesting and challenging. If your are truely an open minded person I would suggest looking at some of his work. He is the farthest thing from a "religious nutjob" He asks some very powerful questions about the existing scientific paradigm. Take a chance and watch you might have your mind opened