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Old 06-09-2017, 11:46 PM
markg markg is offline
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Default I agree

Originally Posted by silverdoctor View Post
First of all, I can't hate something that i don't believe in. Secondly, I was raised Catholic - communion, confirmed etc. Been there, done that.

I don't know why people get offended by someone questioning others' belief? If you are so set in your belief, then it shouldn't upset you to be questioned - and answer questions. According to Christ, your job is to pass along the good news. But there always seems to be this clear division. Can't we ever talk about anything anymore? Can't we question anymore?

Religion fascinates me. People that follow religion fascinate me. I've never been a believer - but I do try to understand what others' believe and why. Is that so bad? This isn't you against me. The OP asked a few questions, couldn't understand the theory, I tried to answer.
I agree with much of this statement.

I enjoy discussing these big issues and exchanging ideas and find you to be quite respectful in most cases.

Sorry for the derail back to the question at hand.