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Old 06-11-2017, 12:55 PM
silverdoctor silverdoctor is offline
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Originally Posted by KegRiver View Post
That kinda shoots down the theory of evolution doesn't it now.

Because at one point in history, all species had to have existed as only two members of that species. If the theory of evolution is correct.
Actually, no it doesn't. If you go back to the video that MarkG posted (think it was him) with the jewish scientist trying to pull apart Darwins theory - there is one large piece of the puzzle that he is missing. He speaks about using computer models to figure out how we came about.

Many believe that one species goes extinct then a new pair carries on as something else.

It's looking more and more like viruses - specifically retro - that forced evolution. If you get a virus - it will invade your cells and inject it's own DNA into your sequence. if said virus gets into your sperm - and modifies your DNA - and you create an offspring...

It's called evolution of the species. What caused us to evolve?

Less than 10% of our genome makes us human - we are not genetically perfect, no species is. What is the rest? What lives in us, on us - and what protects us from it? Why do we not get sick from everything that can kill us - but lives with us? That's called evolutionary immunology - and it is fascinating.