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Old 06-11-2017, 03:35 PM
stuckincity stuckincity is offline
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Originally Posted by sigma1 View Post
I used to have the upmost respect for how the forum ran until a thread I was participating on got locked. There was no reason other than the fact somebody in a position of authority did not share the same view in the thread. Thats censorship.
Its only censorship if the 'site is run by a gooberment.
The Sleazy C...I mean the CBC news 'site is a perfect example. They don't allow comments except for frivolous items, which means they won't consider politically incorrect comments from the TAXPAYERS who pay their parasitic wages.

This site is privately owned (so far) so it isn't "censorship".
Is it "censorship" if I tell you not to use foul language in my home when my little granddaughter is around?
My home is Private Property (so far) so MY rules apply.

BTW, swear you're off when we're among grown men, and having a few, if you want to, but don't do it when I tell you not to on my property when kids are around.
Again, that ain't "censorship".

Last edited by catnthehat; 06-11-2017 at 11:25 PM.