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Old 06-11-2017, 05:52 PM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Why do we have to believe in creation or evolution or whatever? Why can't we just live and die. Are we that insecure we have to have a reason to exist? Why do so many have to chase a carrot dangling at the end of the trail to make the journey worthwhile. Life is to short for that. Fear of the unknown seems to make a lot of people uncomfortable. I try not to speculate on what if's, all I know is what is apparent to me in my life and the environment I live in with the thought that this one life is pretty much all there is. If there is a loving, all knowing father of life, a wonderfully benevolent creator I think he would make his existence apparent to all, there would be no non believers. The people he shows himself to get to have everlasting life in heaven. Those he doesn't show himself or are born with questioning minds that do not allow them to have blind faith get everlasting life in the fires of hell. What kind of a twisted being does that? Well I guess when we die we'll find out. Anyway if I get to the pearly gates I'm gonna do my best to kick his ass cause he screwed up when he made this 'creation'.