Thread: Banning C&R
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Old 06-12-2017, 01:11 PM
Foshizzle13 Foshizzle13 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 35

Originally Posted by MathewsArcher View Post;2

Lots of peer reviewed and published information available indicates exactly what wanterninja has indicated. Several studies also show treble hooks have no significant increase n mortality. Just as many studies have found the opposite, all peer reviewed and published.
I just took a few minutes to check out the studies and honestly there is a such a wide range of hooking fish that you can't say that one hook is better or worse than another. But I can guarantee this, based on what method you use to catch fish, there are ways to minimize mortality rates based on how people handle the fish before it is released.

Like I said before in this thread, we all witness those idiots who treat the fish like crap upon catching. Letting them flop around on the bank/shore/rocks, no net, picking up by the gills for C&R, ripping the hook(s) out, throwing them back, no recovery time, dry name it. Taking 5 minutes to find the camera for the perfect pictures, passing the fish around for everyone to get a good look.

C&R is fine as long as people play by the rules and have FEELINGS about our environment.
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