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Old 06-14-2017, 08:20 AM
waterninja waterninja is offline
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Originally Posted by CaberTosser View Post
I intentionally didn't mention the poorly named product line. Complaint letter has been sent to the store chain carrying the stuff.

From all of the photos of the fellow, he should seriously consider cutting back on his soy intake (or anything else with estrogen), dude has his own droopy balloons

So far as the 'paid his debt to society' part goes, I'd say he got off lightly. The court and policing costs were easily more than what he paid in fines. That and his apology to the judge was an outright lie.
No offence Caber, but it sounds like you have something personal against him. Do you know him outside of the stupid stunt he pulled off? Seems like your going to a lot of trouble to cause this fellow grief.
I had never heard of him before this morning. I do however see hot air balloons in the sky from time to time, and lots of them are advertizing something.
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