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Old 06-19-2017, 12:10 PM
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tri777 tri777 is offline
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Originally Posted by ETOWNCANUCK View Post
Or not buy yourself such nice things to begin with and then you won't be affected much by crime.

If you have $250,000 worth of toys and it gets stolen you can't cry foul when you have to pay the cost to replace them.
Should have bought something less expensive and not as shiny,
To give temptation to the thief.

Or at least blame the criminal and not the dealerships, as it was not them that stole your items,

Or one step further,
It's no ones fault but your own, if y ou decide to have $250,000 worth of toys for someone to steal in the first place.

If I only have $70,000 worth of toys and the Jones's have double that and they get targeted and not me,
Because the dumb crooks know their stuff is worth more,
Maybe they should have been a little conservative in their purchasing.


Why would a thief steal a Ford Ranger, when the F-350 parked beside it yields a bigger payday.
One thing is clear as day, i do NOT ever wish to know anything further about you or surround myself with people such as this..what an awful outlook & justification for theives/fools.
(I can only hope your post was sarcasm)
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