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Old 06-19-2017, 03:40 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
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There also is ALOT more inside jobs happening. As in, disgruntled worker at (fill in dealership here), can easily get keys cut/programmed using a VIN number. And one of my friends bought a brand new SxS w/trailer, not even within 30 minutes of getting it in his driveway, was it stolen (mid-day). Definitely an inside job.


Speaking of inside jobs - there was a stereo install place in Calgary maybe 20-25 years ago where the owner was found to have been doing exactly that.

Installing stereos, alarms, etc... and having the persons address on the work order.

Had the keys cut during the install and obviously a way to disarm the security system.

The police would have never known or figured it out except for one small detail, when the stolen cars were recovered the quality of the removal was clean (in terms of how they removed the wires/bracket/etc..). Although the cosmetic removal stuff (like the plastic pieces on the dash were pryed and damaged as one would expect, the wires were removed back and far enough that someone noticed it would have taken someone with "expertise" to figure it out.

Furthermore, the ignitions, which had screwdrivers or scissor inserted, in some cases were not actually done correctly (in other words, to a trained eye, one could see it was made to "look like" this was the method of starting and driving the vehicle but when you turned the screwdriver (or scissors) the ignition didn't work or the wheel didn't unlock (not exactly sure on details).

So months of finding this went on and they started surveyed the victims and saw these systems were being put in at one particular place.

Within weeks they found this same place had a nightshift ...... guess what they were doing ........ lol

Thief shows up at your house, disarms your alarm with a duplicate alarm thingy, hops in and starts your car with keys they had cut weeks or months earlier, drives it into a shop and hours later they drive it and dump it somewhere (making it look like it was stolen).

I'm not 100% sure but I think they were even using the exact same shop to do the work!!

This would have infuriated me had I been one of the victims of this.
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