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Old 06-19-2017, 03:49 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 3,900

Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
That "system" you speak of is our legal system.The politicians, judges, lawyers, and the LEOs all make their living being a part of this legal system, so they are the ones that are allowing these thieves to remain free to reoffend. So if you really want to blame someone, blame all of those people. Yes some people make it easier for the thieves to steal their property, but there would be far fewer thefts if our legal system dealt with the thieves in at least a somewhat effective manner.
And if the public demanded more of their legal system instead of armchair quarterbacking , that could happen.

Why is the states like that?
Because they demand it.

When it comes to Canada we are the epitome of snowflakes,
Make no mistake about it.

Our jails are basically resorts where the inmates have control,
They don't like how they get treated they complain to the lawyer, to complain to the judge , to reduce their sentence and the poor guy holding the keys is the one to blame.
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