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Old 06-24-2017, 07:00 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 3,900

Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
If I am in bed at 3AM, there is a can of pepper spray on our night stand, so I will be at least somewhat prepared. And if you think that someone can sneak into our home in the middle of the night while we are sleeping, good luck with that. Anyone that has been to my home knows that I have three living burglar alarms, and the chances of someone getting into our yard, let alone into our home , without at least one of them detecting the intruder and alerting us, is pretty much non existent. And if someone does enter our home in the night, he/she will be greeted by all three furry burglar alarms, so it is them that will be at a disadvantage.
Can of pepper spray...
at 3 am while you are full of sleep?

Not a deterant .
You are not going to hit your target,

Alarm systems, are only great if yo live next door to a police shop and even then a security company gets dispatched before the cops and the theives are usually long gone in the mean time.

If I am prepared for your pooches, Three quick shots and they are down and I have you.

A virtual puddle at the foot of your bed having sprayed the closet door with your spray.

Also in effective if I have my face covered and I am wearing safety goggles.

Life isn't a movie son and most in a fight or flight do the latter.
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