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Old 06-24-2017, 11:14 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 3,900

Originally Posted by brslk View Post
Most people that do B&E's are scumbag meth heads or just losers in general.
I doubt any of them are organized enough to have a gun or anything that would worry me.
I have an alarm that can be heard about two blocks away.
The cops take about 5 minutes or less to get here.
Even if they didn't 99% of the lowlifes would be scared off by a screaming alarm and all the neighbors that would be outside wondering WTF all the racket was about.
I keep all my stuff locked up, have a very good alarm system and other deterrents I won't mention online.
My vehicles are locked and alarmed with starter disablers.
I feel pretty safe and don't worry about it.
Besides, I live in a good neighborhood with a low crime rate.
Cops don't respond to your alarm,
It is contracted out to a Security company,
Who may not arrive for almost an hour,
Then it is them who calls the key holder or cops depending on what is found

Your neighbors aren't as involved as you think they are
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