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Old 06-25-2017, 10:51 AM
DevilsAdvocate DevilsAdvocate is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 264

Originally Posted by ETOWNCANUCK View Post
I use my self as the thief to punch holes into the belief that any lame person would have the upper hand,

In a fight or flight it is often the latter

As the thief I have the better chance of success

Even if caught, I won't get anywhere as much as you think I should, and will be out doing the same to someone else.

Even if I kill you.
I'm pretty sure many of the guys on here have shot 10X more than most theives. Have handled guns 10X more and 10X longer. And have shot 20X more living things and 10X more moving things. (if you count gophers, make it 1000x)

That's live trigger, live action experience. After many years the shouldering, aiming, targeting, target following AND trigger pulling is almost instinctive. Same goes for loading, reloading, safety, etc.

Now as for handguns, most legal owners have gone to the range a lot....doubt a theif (with a record) is going to the range much.....more like playing thug with it in front of his buddies in his basement hole.

And probably his handgun training consists of canting it sideways in front of a mirror...and coming up with "Yo....motherxxxxer" witty one liners.

My bet is, when the chips are down, I'll bet on the 70yr old who's been to the range 100 to 1000x, who's hunted for years, and killed things versus some puke with an entitled to others stuff tough guy attutude.

And really.....who has more self-displine, the guy who works for a living or a theif that won't. So who has applied themselves, at the range, at the gym, at the martial arts, at dealing with the challenges of life. The reason the puke is a theif is mainly BECAUSE he lacks the ability to apply himself and the self displine.

My experience with these types, is they are the weakest opponent you will ever come across.
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