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Old 07-19-2017, 09:06 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by CNP View Post
Wrong. Some participants of this thread don't agree with the programme, by extension could care less about preserving Alberta's waterbodies and deride the officials who conduct it and others promoting it. Do you see yourself in that category?
See, you really take this another direction. Like there is some conspiracy against the "program" and people that want to ruin our lakes. We are all the same here. I doubt there is a single person on this post, or AO for that matter, that doesn't want to preserve our waterways. The fact that you just admitted, again, that you think some are, shows how out of touch and accusational you are. This is a fishing forum, we are all pretty much like minded. No need to stir things up alright?

For me, I've only been stopped coming back from the foothills or Jasper in my 12 foot aluminum since I'm usually fishing lakes that are electric motors only. Not exactly a hard water craft for them to inspect. Kind of a waste of too much time on my little boat when I see others with full sized, live well, bilge pump systems, etc. That spend about the same amount of time there. At least I have a great collection of shammies now

If I came through with my bigger boat, I would expect to spend some additional time there. It doesn't sound like that is happening and Ken's example shows a real lake of consistency. So how effective is this going to be at stopping the spread?
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