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Old 07-19-2017, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by SNAPFisher View Post
See, you really take this another direction. Like there is some conspiracy against the "program" and people that want to ruin our lakes. We are all the same here. I doubt there is a single person on this post, or AO for that matter, that doesn't want to preserve our waterways. The fact that you just admitted, again, that you think some are, shows how out of touch and accusational you are. This is a fishing forum, we are all pretty much like minded. No need to stir things up alright?

For me, I've only been stopped coming back from the foothills or Jasper in my 12 foot aluminum since I'm usually fishing lakes that are electric motors only. Not exactly a hard water craft for them to inspect. Kind of a waste of too much time on my little boat when I see others with full sized, live well, bilge pump systems, etc. That spend about the same amount of time there. At least I have a great collection of shammies now

If I came through with my bigger boat, I would expect to spend some additional time there. It doesn't sound like that is happening and Ken's example shows a real lake of consistency. So how effective is this going to be at stopping the spread?
You seem to think that everything that anyone says on AO is factual. The examples of he said/she said are just one persons renditions of what happened.......with a little embellishment me thinks I'm not accusing anyone of making anything up, but all the accusations here are one sided. Like I've been saying, this whole thread is lacking credibility.......I've yet to see proof of one person (in AB) who has received a "ticket" for any of the infractions mentioned here. The reason for not seeing any evidence of a ticket is there aren't any "tickets" being issued in AB. LEO's may issue an appearance notice, to appear in court or give a warning. I've seen written warnings but no tickets. Personally I'd rather receive a ticket than have to go to court in a location hundreds of km's away from home on a day when I should be working. The only "ticket" that I can think of that could be issued is one for failing to obey traffic signs...........i.e., those signs that say mandatory watercraft inspection ahead. I've waited in line while larger boats were being little "clean/drained/dry" fishing boat went through speedily. My experiences are certainly different than others......................and................... ....there is no such thing as "exempt" from inspection.
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