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Old 08-16-2017, 05:53 AM
Norwest Alta Norwest Alta is offline
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Originally Posted by Serengeti Charters View Post
Blaine, I would narrow it down to two, Hardy and Charlottes, PR isn't what it used to be and know many that fish it and guide it. The last two years consistently the best Chinook fishery on the coast has been Hardy, can look at reports and definitely true. With that being said the Charlottes is well known for it's great salmon fishing! If looking at a variety of species (Ling, Yelloweye, Hali, Salmon) I think Hardy with us has that hands down. This season and last I know Hardy has whole coast beat, no questions, on salmon fishing. But each year is different. If you're looking to mainly salmon fish and a little bit of halibut in between tides then Langara is a great place to go for that and have a chance at a Jim Dandy Chinook. Honestly depends on what you're looking for Make sure boats are top notch too and comfortable for 3-4 guys.

If there's one thing I know for sure though, regardless of where you go, you'll have an absolute blast with your group; how can you not with the scenery of the coast and big fish on the line Tough decision, both are great, I just know I'll work my ass off to give ya a good trip!
Might come down to a coin toss David.
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