Thread: Pine coulee
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Old 08-03-2009, 10:23 AM
RedHeadedFisherman RedHeadedFisherman is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: High River AB
Posts: 606

Originally Posted by WayneChristie View Post
hi Red, glad you had a good time. cant horse in those pike, but they are easy to grab if you play them out. I agree about the boaters. they seem to forget its a shared resource, and most of them think a wake is something at a funeral! wish the RCMP would hang out some weekend and bust a few heads, maybe they would realize . or strap the boaters face down on the dock for a while so they realize what its like when they speed by way too close!!!! was thinking of heading there thursday but it looks like rain all week, so not this time I guess. maybe use 100 pound test braided line, then if they run over it they will be rowing the rest of the day when their prop drops off too bad boats dont come with brains!!!!
Thanks RB. yup.. them thar boaters. should fly a Watch out we have lots of money but no curtisy flag!! they just dont gibne a damm.

and that guy said he will use leaders from now on, even when fishing for 'eye's har har. ( he just got overly ecited at the large pike )

speaking of the County Mountys,. i parked ( my first time out there) right at the top of the ( now i know) boat turn-around.. a peace officer came out, saw my car.. asked around who's ^%^ cars are these.. i upped and said this one is mine.. he said well ya got a $ 100 ticket boyo. took some fancy talkin to get him to give me only a warning hehe but the car behind me got towed. cost that gut like $300 at Clarshome.. ( ouch!)
hope the rain stays away would like to meet some forum members out there we'll
have a secret shore lunch of 'eye's lol ( kidding) hehe

So.. with that, i will say by for now..
Tight Lines Yaall
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