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Old 09-10-2017, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by jgib01 View Post
Well, I ask you to indulge me with a little education. My initial reaction is to wonder how clearcutting on top of creeks (or anywhere for that matter) can be a good thing? Perhaps I have been doing selective reading for most of my life (confirmation bias), but I thought it was pretty clear that erosion and habitat destruction consequences from clear cutting are a given.

Also, I think I need some further info about Y2Y, as there is nothing on their website or that I've heard in the media that would lead me to the conclusion that they are anti-fishing and hunting.

An excerpt from their website policy:
"Y2Y recognizes that hunting, trapping, and fishing:
• are indigenous rights;
• are part of the cultural heritage and economy of the Yellowstone to Yukon region;
• are appropriate activities within the Yellowstone to Yukon region, provided that they are conducted in an ethical manner that includes fair chase principles; and
• may be appropriate means to help maintain or manage fish and wildlife population health"

They go on to add a piece in their policy about the need for sanctuaries, but I have never heard that they are pushing to make areas like the Castle or K-Country entirely "no hunt/no fish" zones. What am I missing?
What you are missing, is the multitude of wording changes Y2Y previously made to their hunting policy. It used to be far more "anti" - anti predator hunting, anti trophy hunting, anti anyone but native hunting. Google it, there are various pages with screen shots. No one really believes their intent changed, they just realized they couldn't put hunters on blast without some serious pushback
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