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Old 09-14-2017, 11:23 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 3,925

Well, went out calling looking for elk in the evening. I haven't seen any, except for a bull on the neighbouring field when leaving. I have not heard any either. No (relatively) pretty photos today though, just a few low-light ugly ones.

I did call in quite a few mule deer again. I have no idea what's wrong with those guys. They come and try to communicate with you. Then they come close enough and "make" you, run away, only to come back again a few minutes later.

I guess the highlight of the night was this:

I was sitting behind that bale (first photo with bears) when those guys showed up. Bear spray was in the vehicle since I really did not expect to see any bears there. The mama, who was awfully large (maybe it just seemed that way), watched me backing and walking away. The two cubs just followed her lead. The funny thing was that she walked my steps sniffing and studying everything, where I went, where I sat, where I took a leak half an hour before they came out of the bush. And they came right into the wind; I mean they new I was there. Cub showed up first about 30 meters away from me. Luckily, I heard some noise and turned my head to see him behind me. Once I saw the cub, I knew the bad news were coming and started moving away from the bale. A few seconds later the mama stepped out staring right at me. I kept walking and she proceeded to where I was sitting. She took a few moments to study the area and then moved on walking the tree line. So yeah, do not leave the bear spray in the vehicle, even if you know the property and have never seen a bear (or even scat) there before. It was fun watching the cubs playing with each other as they were moving away though. The colour on the mama was pretty neat too.
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