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Old 09-22-2017, 07:55 PM
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RavYak RavYak is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: West Edmonton
Posts: 5,174

After 4 years of fishing almost every weekend here in AB I am starting to lose a bit of interest in some of our fishing too especially in most of the lakes close to the city.

We have some great fishing but a guy can only catch so many of the same fish before the allure wears off and driving 4-10+ hours each weekend to fish the good lakes starts to get a bit old too. Still fun when a guy can get out with other guys and have a good weekend but its been hard finding guys interested in doing those full weekend kinds of trips so I often end up going on my own.

I too sold all my ice fishing gear this year. I might pick up enough gear to join some buddies if they want to go do a fun trip or two but I won't be fishing every weekend this winter like I have the past few. Instead I am hoping to do a Florida trip or go to a kayak fishing resort in Panama, maybe I can get lucky and figure out a way to squeeze both in.

Next summer I wont fish as much but will try to fit in 1 or 2 big trips each month. I would like to hit Vancouver Island up again and there is also a tournament out in Ontario I have been wanting to try. Will have to fit a Fraser trip or two in as well and have all sorts of other trips I would love to do but the above alone will already use my 3 weeks vacation and up and then some...

I need a good job with around 3 months of vacation, then I might be able to fit in some more of these trips I want to do lol.
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