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Old 09-26-2017, 07:27 AM
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The moose The moose is offline
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I just posted this on Lefty's bad shot thread

Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
Recovered the arrow, the insert was bent to almost a 45 and the base of the broadhead snapped off...I put my finger in the entrance and yup broad head lodged into the scapula. I will try to debone with it in place and take some pictures.

Elk/Moose Shoulder blades are hard bone...especially if you hit the thick part. It was simply a poor shot but a good reminder to make sure everything is set correct and you can see before you release. Thankfully he stopped for me to make a followup.

Thanks for the update Lefty. I was asking because my brother just recently had a shot on a big bull and put the arrow into the shoulder. Post shot he found the arrow and noticed the rage broadhead snapped off in the insert and the insert had pressed back into the arrow about 3/16 inch. I found it odd that the broadhead snapped of even on such a straight broadside shot.
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