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Old 10-17-2017, 09:46 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is online now
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
I brought up the same facts earlier this summer and was ridiculed by a few members here who figure its best just to go with zero retention, or to keep the limit at sizes nearly unattainable size, not realizing there can be a stunted population.

Nice to see there is some on board who realize the need for diversity in our lakes, and how diversity is managed.
What I recall is that you were called for other things and ideas that you no longer seem to support. Now you just twist the argument back to something we can all agree on, biodiversity is good indeed but that doesn't mean a 1 fish keep limit everywhere makes biodiversity . Since you keep continuously bringing up these so called arguments, I thought it was worth recanting why it might of went a bit off the rails for you.

I don't know of anyone on this board that doesn't want more diversity and anyone who would want stunted fish. You seem to think these members exist somewhere but I don't know of any.

So we agree on biodiversity. Maybe not exactly on how to manage it on every point but agree on a better end state of things.
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