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Old 10-18-2017, 02:38 PM
Walleyedude Walleyedude is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Calgary
Posts: 1,711

Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
I didn't realize I had that much pull.....

I think you mean I f we keep up with the current plan our fisheries have no hope, because that is a fact.

Your handle says it all.

Save the walleye! Screw the rest! Nobody should be eating my playmates!

What you don't seem to realize is that there is more than one type of fisherman sharing the pond.

If the biologists are only getting paid to do netting once every 5 years, what are they doing the other 4 years? Playing ping pong?

Since that other guy can't answer my question, maybe you can?

How long has it been since they shut down retention?

What have they learned since then? Other than closing off retention of walleye has had a detrimental effect on sustaining a healthy balance of fish species in our lakes?

It's all wonderful if you're a walleye tournament fisherman I suppose, but what about the others?

I apologize for quoting your post in my response. That was not my intent. I merely meant to comment on the lunacy of thinking lawyers were the best solution to our fisheries management issues in general.

I have absolutely zero desire to engage with you in any conversation, and I will not respond any further, I learned my lesson the first time around.

In the future, please DO NOT put words in my mouth or attempt to speak for me or represent my position on the issue in any way.

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