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Old 10-19-2017, 12:06 AM
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npauls npauls is offline
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Location: Lethbridge, Alberta
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
It's all wonderful if you're a walleye tournament fisherman I suppose, but what about the others?
What you fail to realize is that if a lake/reservoir goes to a zero keep or tag system then walleye tournaments are no longer able to receive permits to have an event on that body of water. So closing a lake doesn't help tournament anglers at all.

Our province has the highest anglers per water capita in all of Canada and right up there for all of north America. A simple slot system just won't work like it does in other provinces and states. The retention rate is too high.

I agree that we need test netting done more often and for f&w to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to the up and down fazes of our fisheries.

A good example of miss management is Chin reservoir in the south. There is major talks of shutting it down because of test net results from 8 YEARS AGO! That is how long it roughly takes a walleye to reach maturity. So there is a whole new crop of fish in that lake and 8 full spawning seasons since the last results but because those results from 8 years ago were bad they want to shut it down. A lot of the anglers in southern Alberta have known about this plan to shut down all the reservoirs in the south on a 5 year rotation.

If you ask around the south. Chin is one of the best if not the best year class fishery around. You can catch pretty much every year class pretty much every day out there. There are tons of reservoirs in way worse shape than chin but it is the next one up on the hit list that they have for an agenda.
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