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Old 10-19-2017, 03:14 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by huntsfurfish View Post
Slot limits were originally used to allow the removal of eating size fish. Which are usually far from spawning age. Is that what you want? If so that would be a mistake.

Slot limits above the spawning age is just the lower limit where it currently is with a maximum size to protect a larger size. This would be an appropriate selection for quality fisheries. However, the comment by Rav about stunting is unlikely to be the case because of keeping of fish and more likely the result of few fish making it much over that limit before being removed. If you are looking to keep fish than the slot will restrict your ability to keep even more than current regs.
Good post on slot limits!

One of the things mentioned in the new framework is the objective to achieve at least 3 spawning events before a fish can be harvested. And now they are looking at changing that up depending on how a body of water is classified.

I don't see anywhere that slots are playing a part of that...yet. It is only draft after all. Maybe under Experimental or Study Based. Maybe...
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