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Old 10-25-2017, 03:31 PM
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Twisted Canuck Twisted Canuck is online now
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I'm only happy about the Oilers losing because I get to come and read all the posts from the Oilers fans about 'coulda shoulda woulda'....and I have to say, I like how good a sport Bessie is about it, on my part its all in good fun.

Really, I'd like to see them winning, I have no issues with McDavid lighting up that franchise and making it great. I feel bad that he is saddled with those guys a bit, but hopefully he can whip them into shape, as the coach sure doesn't seem to be able to. I hope they do turn it around, and we have some Canadian teams in the playoffs again this year. The Cup has been south of the border for too long. Hell, I'll even cheer for those Leafs to win a Cup again!

But mostly, I'm just hoping the Flames have a good game tonight against those Blues.
'Once the monkeys learn they can vote themselves a banana, they'll never climb another tree.'. Robert Heinlein

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