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Old 11-07-2017, 08:11 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by 3blade View Post
Agree with the list. However, Moose lake was at near record high water levels this year. Why? It's feeder streams are intact. If you look at the areas around Mann and Muriel, they are heavily developed and have multiple interruptions to the natural flow of water.

There is the eutrophication process to consider as well which is natural but not at the rate we are seeing. Many lakes have been tipped over the edge by nitrogen run off from agriculture.
Yep, completely agree. There is no new water flowing into these lakes anymore. Muriel and Mann are great examples.

Muriel my family had a lake front cabin on there in the 70s and 80s. Grew up fishing the South East bay where there was a feeder stream. That small stream reared many pike and other fish. I went back in 1995 and had to pole the boat through a small opening into maybe 3-4 inches of water left in the entire bay. That is a drop, even back then, of 10 feet. Though it was interesting to see all the structure we used to fish it was sad to see it emptied. There was a nice feeder stream to the South that used to rear a lot of nice little pike and other fish, gone now. The island we fished around was now a new point. And that was 95! Looked at a cabin back in 2000 on the South side. Supposed lake front… It was a 2 km walk out to the middle of the lake to find water. That bay was dry too.

Had a cabin on Upper Mann up to 2 years ago. Even in 2000/2001 it was great fishing but the feeder creek was done and it killed off in 2002. Since then I watched the water level drop by 1-2 feet every year until the old boat launches were abandoned and the sides turned to smelly mud. Last time I checked it was down over 10 feet. In the winter of 2014 I drilled 2 holes a foot apart and dropped the cam down one and a jig and minnow down the other. Could barely make it out in the milky colored done.
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