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Old 11-12-2017, 10:14 AM
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hal53 hal53 is offline
Gone Hunting
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Lougheed,Ab.
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Originally Posted by denied access View Post
Your a class act all the way. I especially like the childhood abuse or trauma comment. Shows your ethics. Probably makes all the people who have suffered such things feel great that you acknowledge their pain. So am i a petty loser or a bully? I feel you maybe got bullied. i didnt do it but I offer an apology on behalf of all bullies for stealing your lunch.

I am sorry for calling you unethical for rushing a 70 yard shot while you had the shakes. You are right. Perfectly ethical thing to do. And for your awsome recovery efforts I applaud you. 76 kms is a long way. Not so long if it took you a week. 10 kms per day. You must have been tired. I run 10km races quite often and I am a bit tired after. It takes about an hour. You say you are 5'9" so maybe 10 km is a lot of steps with short legs. I guess you could rest in the stand while waiting for another buck the other 12 hours of the day that you were not walking. Or maybe you were going super slow. Being careful. 10km/12 hrs is about .8 km/hr. I see why you dont want to go into detail about your recovery efforts. That would be hard. 6 miles a day does not offer a lot of details. Or maybe too many details. At less than 1km/hr you could probably identify every flower and insect. Have a chat with a caterpillar keeping pace with you.

I don't feel that i am a "insecure, hateful, bottom-feeding, joy crusher" but I could be wrong. Your fanclub certainly seems to think so. I dont have a fanclub. My loss I guess. Maybe i should video my acticities and put them on the web. Maybe while I **** around with a camera getting the angle right I can gut shoot a moose. That would be some quality viewing. Wow the definition of ethical seems to have changed since I took hunter ethics back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Maybe I am just viewing this whole thing wrong? Maybe instead of a "horn hunter makes suspect shot cause all he saw was horns and did not find buck cause of second rate tracking and search but found a sucker to do his work for him" story, its a "poor little super sportsman reunited with love of his life and has his whole persona of hunter of the century vindicated and can now be hero to millions for his hunting prowess" story. Will the stink of the rotten meat smell up your trophy room?

All right. i'm a fan now. Where do i sign up? Is there a newsletter? Do I get a secret decoder ring?

And yes I have made a suspect shot. And yes I lost a deer once....when I was 14 and didnt know any better.

Have fun. Happy hunting. You got your trophy and thats all that matter in the end.
What an angry, jealous person you must day maybe the rest of us can be as good t everything as you are....
The future ain't what it used to be - Yogi Berra
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