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Old 11-23-2017, 05:31 PM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
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Originally Posted by 58thecat View Post
Well the woman at the counter or customer services should have directed you to someone who could have answered the questions and tell,you to have a nice day.
There's probably nobody in the store, most of the department managers officemanagement included who would know or care. Staff just respond to memos sent from head office in Ontario. They don't ask questions, just do what they are told. The store owner might know maybe even the store manager might know if he questioned the memo as to why they were not being sold but that is doubtful unless he/she had an interest in guns. In most Canadian tires the managers are more worried about getting the isle end displays prepared for the next sale. Our local CT sells guns but nobody there knows anything about them, have no interest and treat them as a pain, everytime someone wants ammo or to buy a gun they have to drop what they are doing, find someone authorized and who has a key, stand there with the customer and wait till while they kick tires, decide if they are going to buy it, check their paperwork then walk them up to the front and stand in line with them until they are checked through. Employees avoid the gun section like the plague. If they see you come into look at guns they disappear.
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