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Old 12-01-2017, 08:15 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by PlayDoh View Post
Are you trying to be funny, or keep people away? Or both?
I don’t think jokes are wise on an ice thickness / safety thread.
Looks like someone made up a profile to try and keep the lakes to himself.
Open water is believable, but ‘no ice at all’ is ridiculous.
Little if any ice is going to melt and evaporate at +8°, and when it’s still below freezing at night it all freezes back up. In fact the ice I’ve seen is better after it warmed up a bit. Melted the top inch or so, which was junk, and now rock solid. And there’s no more snow cover.
I'm glad someone spoke up. Not that I'm down South and seeing the conditions but I had to wonder when lakes like Pigeon are locked up tight with 10 inches of ice...makes no sense. It's not like the lakes in the South are in Arizona distance ...

It will be good to get some factual ice updates for our Southern folks.