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Old 12-08-2017, 11:01 PM
canuck canuck is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: NW of Calgary
Posts: 437

All dick swinging aside, here is my input;

The eastern slopes of this province are a small area.
Excessive backcountry use (and abuse) is becoming more common throughout these eastern slopes by all groups - ever since the country was opened up by the early resource exploration
No matter your mode of travel, we all love to get out there and in the last few years there have been that more many of us doing just that - the results are starting to become obvious.
I've been around long enough to remember driving a 4x4 (****, even a volkswagon bug with chains) all over the eastern slopes, into many areas that are protected today - rarely encountered another soul.
We didn't consciously do damage to the backcountry back then, but we did damage it - no argument. The difference is the amount of damage being done - much more these days with the amount of $$ folks make and recreate with and, the fact that OHVs have been invented/modernized/affordable, and the undeniable fact that there are just many more people out there these days.

Now, to refute some statements made previously, and to be clear, I despise this current provincial gov't, they are actually working on this issue (unlike previous administrations) - my daughter has been working all year (between forest fires!) mapping off road trails throughout the area north of the crowsnest to K country - the end game is to determine the user groups, their footprints, and the suitability of OHV (and other) use within certain areas of this part of Alberta.
These studies are being done throughout the eastern slopes and will be used to determine areas that need to be managed more closely to mitigate environmental damage due to overuse - BY ALL USERS

By god, I hope the NDP don't survive the next election, but I do hope something comes of the work being done to save the eastern slopes from further abuse by any user group because the slopes do need saving.

Last edited by canuck; 12-08-2017 at 11:18 PM.
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