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Old 12-12-2017, 08:06 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 4,484

I think we need to give the nod to Yoteblaster for an average of 8.5 inches.

Zip, you sure about that measurement? RR23 and Sunbreaker average 8.5 inches. I can't imagine there being 14.5 anywhere on Sylvan. Just doesn't seem possible. After fishing the much, much thicker Gull lake, Sylvan felt like drilling through butter. So quick.

P.S. Some guys fishing the drop off to the right of Sunbreaker claimed 6 inches. Talked to the RCMP as well and he had heard there was about 6. He was ticketing a guy who parked right in the front of the launch. Apparently the tow truck was on the way....
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