Thread: Bitcoin
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Old 01-17-2018, 04:56 PM
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Twisted Canuck Twisted Canuck is online now
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Originally Posted by The Elkster View Post
That is true in a sense but you gotta watch what stock you buy. When many people think stock they aren't thinking bluechips. They are thinking about speculative stocks like gold companies that haven't proven themselves but buddy said "ya can't lose" and they might just go to the moon. If a company is heavily in debt like most startups all the primary debt holders come before the shareholders. If the company goes under shareholders generally get the shaft just as bad as the crypto guys are likely to.

That's why bluechips stocks are what they are but get little attention. No huge returns. Nobody getting rich overnight. But steady gains on solid financials with reasonable debt by selling necessary things like cars and oil and TP and razors and food. Key is to build up enough in the portfolio so those boring 5-10% gains + dividends add up to decent $ return/yr. Boring compared to BTC and gold mines and no instant riches...but I'm happy.
I'm with you, conservative blue chip dividend paying stocks are boring, and I sleep good at night.
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