Thread: Bitcoin
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Old 01-18-2018, 11:36 AM
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Ken07AOVette Ken07AOVette is offline
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Originally Posted by Gary K View Post
Bitcoin is useless. to send 100$ worth of bitcoin currently costs nearly 30$.

XRP, the new standard. can send millions at the price of half a XRP coin. that coin gets burned. so it is a deflationary currency.

its already being tested by major banks, amex, etc.

Basically it is used for settlement instead of SWIFT and wire transfers etc. banks are saving over 60% on transfers sending XRP via Xrapid. or by sending regular old money with Xcurrent. There is trillions wired around the world DAILY. the greedy banks will eventually use XRP, or something like it. to save a **** ton of money.

get it on the annual january dip. which is about now.

i bought in at 2 cents, sold at 3.43$. put it all back into XRP when it was 81 cents two days ago. back up to a 1.50$.

im doing ok, jsut hold onto it and dont panic sell for a loss and youll make money. unless the whole cryptocurrency space dies. but with over 6000 different currencies. i doubt that will happen.
Interesting Gary, I am looking into that. I am hoping it corrects and falls a bit then I will go in for $1000 or so, good plan?
Only dead fish go with the flow. The rest use their brains in life.

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck
I wasn't thinking far enough ahead for an outcome, I was ranting. By definition, a rant doesn't imply much forethought.....
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