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Old 01-22-2018, 04:05 PM
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Angler Angler is offline
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Location: Vyshgorod, UA; Edmonton, AB
Posts: 584

Originally Posted by the11fisherman View Post
I just realized that I added 1 too many zeros. For the last 12 months as of today I have 5 725 687 minutes of views. Divide that by 60 (60 minutes to the hour) and you get 95 428.12 hours.

I had intended to just put "Over 60 000 hours" rather than put "over 600K hours." Complete mess up on the number of zeros, my I didn't want to say I had 95K hours of views in an attempt to not sound cocky, but that slip of the extra zero made my attempt fail miserably. Anyways, back to the stats. A little over 89K of those hours come from my one video with over 1 Million views which has obviously ended up being very popular as you can see from the number of views:

So ya............... I guess my channel is doing like 10 times better than you had thought and not near as good as I accidentally said

Just in case if my stats still seem too high to you, here is a screen shot of my stats for the last 12 months. I don't care to share my earnings amount with you.....but you can see some of the other info freely.

So.....I guess we both stand corrected. lol

You don't need to prove me anything bud, those hrs just looked akward to me, that's why it brought my attention.
Yo do have a lot of watching hrs, good for you!
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