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Old 02-07-2018, 07:02 PM
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Fish along Fish along is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Camrose county
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Originally Posted by Gerry View Post
A guy walks into a theatrical agents office. The agent say’s, “What can I do for you?”
The guy say’s, “I’ve got the best act you’ve ever seen.”
Agent, “Oh yea, I’ve been in this business for forty years, I’ve seen everything.”
Guy, “You haven’t seen this.”
Agent, “OK, show me.’
The guy walks over to a table and puts his briefcase on it.
He opens the briefcase and takes out a little tiny piano and puts it on the table.
He reaches back in and takes out a piano bench and puts that at the piano.
He reaches back in and takes out a little tiny man and sets him on the table.
The little man dusts himself off and goes over to the piano, sits down and proceeds to play Beethoven, Shubert, and Brahm’s like he wrote them.
Agent, “This is great, I’ve never seen anything like this, where did you get him?”
Guy, “I was on a walking tour of Ireland, crossing a field I heard a little voice calling for help, I followed the voice and found a leprechaun with a big rock on his leg, he was trapped and couldn’t get it off, so I lifted it off for him. He said for helping him he would grant me one wish.”
Agent, “And this is what you wished for?”
Guy, “Not actually, the leprechaun was hard of hearing and I ended up with a twelve inch pianist.”
Good one
If people concentrated on the really important things in life,there would be a shortage of fishing poles.Doug larson. Theres a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. Steven Wright.
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