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Old 02-20-2018, 03:56 PM
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MK2750 MK2750 is offline
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There have been some studies that suggest that root canals can affect one's health in many ways. Apparently the theory suggests that root canals can cause bad bacteria in the mouth that can lead to anything from minor digestive problems to heart and respiratory disease.

I have no interest in wandering into that debate except to share my story.

I have been suffering with a peptic ulcer, shortness of breath, almost constant nasal congestion and some other phantom health issues for many years.

I went to several different doctors but we were only able to control the symptoms, not very well and not for very long.

Of course I hit the internet and after reading everything that matched my problems, I kept coming back to root canals. Everything I read made sense and lined up directly with nearly every issue I was experiencing.

Sooo, after being told I was crazy by a couple of different dentists, I found one willing (against his better judgement) to pull my two eye teeth, one supporting a bridge.

What he found surprised him (not me) as both teeth were completely fused and as the pieces came out (2 1/2 hours) infection was evident. I believe the original root canals were too deep, but in reading I would never have another one done in any manner. The dentist said there was no doubt these should have been removed.

My nasal congestion and what I thought was allergies to nearly everything is gone. My peptic ulcer pain is gone and my digestive system is working 100 times better. My breathing is much better although not perfect (it's only been a few weeks) I am still concerned the poison might have damaged my heart but we will see how the recovery continues. I know I can sleep through the night again and am very glad to get that dead stuff out of my body.

Anyway, I am not suggesting you do or don't but I can tell you without doubt that there was hidden infection in my tooth roots and bone that was affecting my health. There was absolutely no evidence of this in tooth ache, blood test or xray except some very minor anomalies in the blood that no one could figure out the cause. Antibiotics prescribed, symptoms go away, finish the pills, symptoms return.

Nearly every dentist will deny the studies but there is lots of data on line. An interesting debate to read about if nothing else.
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