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Old 03-21-2018, 05:58 PM
NCC NCC is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Leslieville
Posts: 2,533

Caribou don't need more parks, they need less wolves and gbears eating them. As the article stated, creating more parks will protect the predators also.

Look what happened on the island in the Great Lakes; no wolves, lots of caribou. Lots of wolves, no caribou. Open the Gbear season, give trappers the mandate or incentive to kill wolves (or poison the wolves) and the caribou numbers will recover. When there's video evidence of one g Bear killing 40 moose calves in a a single calving season, it's not hard to figure out what is happening to our ungulates. Every trapper who kills a pack of wolves can attest to the surge in ungulate numbers in that area, yet our biologists who study wildlife for a living still think we need more parks.

To give credit where it is due, Shannon Phillips has made some decisions based on reality instead of blindly following the advice given by provincial bios.
We talk so much about leaving a better planet to our kids, that we forget to leave better kids to our planet.

Gerry Burnie
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