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Old 03-27-2018, 09:33 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Salavee View Post
I for one, saw what ABA was really all about when Parkland County was considering allowing the use of Blackpowder and Crossbows in the County to help reduce the Deer population in the area. Parkland County residents were invited to attend a public meeting with County officials and F & W to discuss the proposition. The presentations were in support of the proposal. Well, wouldn't you know it ... ABA stacked the Holborne Hall with literally dozens of members recruited from far and wide to attend the meeting via a last minute ABA telephone blitz. With the full support and encouragement of the ABA executive and their reams of propaganda ABA literally overwhelmed the meeting with reams of consecutive "speakers" and presentations from their Executive.
The result was a well intentioned meeting turned in to a disaster by the ABA stacking strategy. Needless to say, nothing further came of that Parkland County initiative.
Without question the ABA Executive , Kelly Semple and others were there to counter the initiative in an attempt to retain "their" coveted Bowzone for themselves. The ABA 's high profile Outfitter members operating in the Edmonton Bowzone were in attendance as well as they had the most to lose.
So yeah, join up, see what they are all about and help the ABA smother anything they see as a threat, by their own interpretations, to their exclusive agenda.
Seriously, was it ABA or local residents?
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